My wife has been reading Marina's Thirtieth Love , one of Vladimir Sorokin's early novels, which she says is crazy mix of sex and mayhem. Sorokin was part of the came of age in the mid 70s, defying authorities and publishing his books in undeground magazines like Spring and Mitya's Journal . This book comes from that period. It doesn't seem as though it has been translated into English, but another book from that period is The Queue . I recently ordered the Ice Trilogy , which has received rave reviews. Sorokin takes in a grand sweep in these three novels, covering the Soviet experiment and its collapse in a "band of brothers" who, seek out their kin and re-unite them. Perfect impersonators of meat-machine ways, they employ a sort of magic-ice hammer. When pounded on the chest of a fellow-angel, it releases blissful feelings of content and so awakens the victim to their special status. For the initiates, once enlightened, "the absol...