I am enjoying Bulgakov's Black Snow , which is more or less a biographical account of the process of making his early book, The White Guard , into a play. But, he spends most of the time satirizing the Moscow Art Theatre, which he dubs the International Theatre (IT) in this book. His prime target appears to be Stanislavsky, who Michael Glenny notes in his forward Bulgakov characterized as an "old bitch." Seems Bulgakov and Stanislavsky came to odds over his story Moliere , which Stanislavsky drastically revised into a play. But, in this story Bulgakov focuses mostly on his first foray into playwriting and the personages he faced at the IT. Bulgakov has great fun with Stanislavsky in the second half of the book, as the old man takes a cleaver to his play. The scene where Maxudov visits Ivan Vasilievich (Stanislavsky) in his home is hilarious, especially as Bombardov had described in detail exactly what would happen, but Maxudov chose to ignore the actor ...