Much of the second half of the novel plays out during the civil war that ravaged Russia from 1918 to 1922. Yury found himself a captive of Liberius Mikulitsin's Red Army faction, which was fighting against Kolchak's White Army. Life was pretty miserable for Yury during this time, as Liberius' faction pretty much housed themselves in earth huts in the great Russian taiga, hoping to hold out against the advances of the White Army until reinforcements came. Yury tended to the wounded as best he could given the limited supplies. He had support from a Czech paramedic who had joined the Communists and a couple of other interns. Pasternak uses these chapters to highlight the ravages of the civil war, noting the towns that were under siege, in particular Holycross. All these towns along "The Highway" found themselves torn between the Red and White Armies, with split allegiances. Many had been burned by one faction or the other, and morale among the armies ...